Although CakeML has a primitive byte (word8) type, the translator currently does not target it and cannot translate HOL functions over bytes. Adding this support might require adding more primitive op…
xrchz updated
8 years ago
If a record has field `fld : α`, making the type of the record `α record`, the corresponding update function will have type
record_fld_fupd : (α -> α) -> α record -> α record
There doesn’t s…
mn200 updated
8 years ago
add whatever is required to semantics/standaloneTheory to make a complete top-level semantics for whole CakeML programs (including FFI)
xrchz updated
9 years ago
As per https://lists.cakeml.org/private/dev/2015-June/000983.html, the existing `if` expressions should be replaced using a total version of `EL`.
xrchz updated
9 years ago
The formalisation is to go into file:
and preferably follow:
because CakeML concrete syntax currently requires that to be parsed back in
xrchz updated
9 years ago
Running the following code quickly causes a segmentation fault. SML REPLs would usually use up all the memory available and carry on spinning.
datatype 'a stream = Cons of (unit -> 'a * 'a stream…
Mark Batty showed me some Lem-generated HOL code that HOL refuses to
accept. The code he gave HOL defined a type abbreviation, say
`mystring`, in `fooTheory` and then, in a different theory, Lem refer…