I had to add `set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON)` to tinyxml_cmakelists.txt in order to get urdfdom to compile on ARM64 (aarch64, ARM Cortext-53). Without it you get this error:
TemplePlusConfig.exe fails during setup with the following exception. It looks like Temple+ uses Windows API Code Pack which is no longer even supported by microsoft and fails here with a System.NotIm…
Just wanted to report about this spam in console. Using the "Frutas Alocadas" Modpack v2.2.0 (codepack "frutas" on FTB Launcher). I have had latest version of Malisis Doors and Core for a while, but j…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Downloaded
2. Started and checked all options available in View/Sensors menu
3. I can not see the fan speed and many others as presented on your web
Add lexing and parsing for CodePack type should contain an endpointconstructor class. Calling .construct on CodePack should return an Endpoint object of Endpoint SomeEndpoint type.
Beyond lexing and parsing, should actually instantiate it.
The windows api codepack will allow you to change the thumbnail of the preview. Currently it is always the application which is pretty useless. Since we can get a handle on the album art, why not disp…