Currently we are looking for case counts data and other statistical information from different countries as well as for people who can maintain this data (add, curate, update).
The entire process s…
Permettre de tagger, categoriser les envois (UTU, libre, ...)
I don’t see at a quick glance if there is anything the venue has done recently to improve ventilation and air filtering for the conference rooms and other areas in the complex. I assume this may facto…
Now that Wycheproof is community managed (more on that later!), I’d like to propose a significant change: removing the Java and Javascript testing harnesses, and focusing entirely on the JSON test vec…
This is a centralized issue to let our users suggest sources to add new countries, or new entries for existing countries, to [our data on COVID-19 vaccinations](https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccin…
title: Chula Vista, CA
permalink: "/chulavista"
name: Letter to Mayor and Council Members
state: CA
city: Chula Vista
layout: email
- msalas@chulavistaca.gov
- jmccann@chulavi…
# hackseqRNA: COVID19 Ultra-hackathon
## Core Objectives
- We are in the midst of pandemic. The general sentiment is of fear and uncertainty. Bioinformaticians and RNA-biologists are at a unique …
Hello all,
On [December 25](http://www.nhc.gov.cn/xcs/yqtb/202212/7272431ee60c4f4d953b0c16257c230e.shtml), the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China posted an announcement th…
[The Website](https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6) can't be reached from Iran and it shows "403 Forbidden" Error!