File "D:\ocr_demo\bezier_curve_text_spotting-master\maskrcnn_benchmark\layers\nms.py", line 8, in
nms = amp.float_function(_C.nms)
File "D:\Anaconda\envs\pytorch_gpu\lib\site-packages\yacs\…
while train the model at 10000 steps at my own datasets, and turn to eval the model, encountered errors as follow:
AttributeError: 'TextEvaluator' object has no attribute '_text_eval_gt_path'
I am trying to understand `ABCNet` in detail and want to use it for custom data set. I'm pretty new for scene text recognition site though, and by this paper-work, I get informed some of the high…
innat updated
4 years ago
xiliu updated
4 years ago
what do the labels of total_text and scut label look like?
The total_text‘s label is same to CTW1500?
and the scut using the char labels, whose each box has 8 value?
thanks a lot
There are some inconsistency of gt labels from CTW-1500-reg-label.zip and ctw1500.zip. For example, in 1017.txt, there are 21 instances in CTW-1500-reg-label.zip and 20 instances in ctw1500.zip.
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sys.platform linux
Python 3.7.4 (default, Aug 13 2019, 20:35:49) [GCC 7.3.0]
Thanks for your contribution.
How to train the model. And how to get the training data,