Every time I restart ACT my overlay skin does not record anything even though ACT itself does so just fine. After removing and adding while online and not restarting ACT, it works again.
From https://wiki.mumble.info/wiki/BuildingLinux#1.3.x
$ sudo apt-get install libg15daemon-client-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information..…
I recently installed cactbot and did a run of E1S where all the timers worked as normal. I get to E3S and the timelines are a bit ahead I guess? The bar fills early well before the cast actually hits …
When using 0.13.5, it worked well.
![jobs 작동안함](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37621276/71707067-3e2f9a80-2e2b-11ea-826e-d9ada719cab7.png)
overlay plugin logs
Hello! I recently had to reinstall ACT because for whatever reason the FFXIV_ACT plugin was causing an issue. Anyways, now everything is back up and running fine except this error that I'll post below…
[1/26/2020 6:04:32 PM] Info: InitPlugin: PluginDirectory = D:\Advanced Combat Tracker Plugins\OverlayPlugin
[1/26/2020 6:04:33 PM] Info: InitPlugin: Initialized.
[1/26/2020 6:04:35 PM] Error: LoadAd…
The following error log is output to the lower log window.
The overlay itself is working.
Causes and occur situation is unknown.
[2019/12/25 10:42:06]…
Hello, I have a similar issue with the recent FFXIV_Plugin_KR issue but I am the "intended" case for your original code, where I am playing on intl server using modified client(CN fonts) and now cactb…
## Description
Cactbot updates fail due to not being able to overwrite files.
## Additional information
Even when the plugin is disabled and retry is hit, the plugin does not update.
It se…
I've been using the raidboss (timeline) portion of cactbot to appear on my stream since like the .10 version with (mostly) no issues. I think this started happening either with the current version (.1…