Considering the following example:
behavior testale_behavior;
open class ClassA {
def void run() {
Sequence(testale::ClassA) l := Sequence{};
l += testale::ClassA.create();
This issue aims to discuss the future `.dsl` file format that will partially replace Melange in the GEMOC Studio. Share your ideas in the comments below!
As ALE will become one of the default operational semantic we need to be able to integrate it completly and add some tests.
It would be much easier to have it directly in the studio instead of hav…
When I try to install K3 plugin using the update site, I get the following "error":
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed…
Before switching to eclipse, the GEMOC studio was using diverse commons libraries. (https://github.com/diverse-project/tools/tree/master/commons-eclipse/org.eclipse.emf.ecoretools.registration.ui)
in order to be able to deploy ALE in the studio (see https://github.com/eclipse/gemoc-studio/issues/119) we need an official update site that can track versions instead of directly relying on jenkins …
Quite self explanatory :)
Under windows, the sequential xdsml nature is not able to find the DSL file (I imagine it is a path representation problem.
As a direct consequence, the plugin.xml is not initialized/compiled correc…
Annotations should have a javadoc explaining its usage.
Ideally with a small sample and/or a link to a bigger documentation online.
This javadoc must be deployed. (for example for use in GEMOC …
when an EOperation is declared in Ecore and defined in K3, the emf implementation is called.
The aspects are well declared in the.dsl file.
Other methods (like the initialization one) are wor…