Post your question here about the orienting readings: “[Preface: How to Think with Deep Learning (Links to an external site.)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_IiBXAPDNmGHXk2ETmr85eKT9BgjOFqB72D0n…
lkcao updated
2 years ago
I am one of the maintainers of the pyresample project (https://github.com/pytroll/pyresample) along with @mraspaud @adybbroe @pnuu. We do some very similar operations to what you have in verde, but wi…
- [ ] [camera](https://darkpgmr.tistory.com/32)
- [ ] COLMAP
Transform the orignial Implementation running as oricrete into this new package including
submodules for - crease pattern representation, crease pattern operators, reshaping processors,
and goal and c…
# **Official Roadmap**
Ok so I spoke with chchwy on the discord server that Spark01 setup for us. We agreed on moving the feature request list to a "tracker issue" to act as our official roadmap. A…
Strang's Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Fourth Edition) says:
> "In fact, there is only one possible rule [for matrix multiplication], and I am not sure who discovered it. It makes everything…
Running visolate 3.1.1 in win7, with gerber files from Kicad (*.pho), from RDB_ts board.
On summary, the voronoi paths separation has a zig-zag instead of a quasi-straight median between the polygons…
# "fffaraz/awesome-cpp"
*22-06-2021 13:07*
> A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. - fffaraz/awesome-cpp
A cur…
MIT has its course on deep learning MIT 6.S191 that is updated every year and is a high quality resource attented by many students around the globe.
26 April 2022
Hi Ben,
as you may recall, I had written an R interface to the old SGSolve version and was thinking to try to update it to account for your new MaxMinMax algorithm (unfortunately the old algorithm …