Today we use the hash of the tx request (ie the hash of the first private function call in the tx, including the entrypoint contract address) as an identifier, which gets emitted as the first nullifie…
Dependabot supports a [versioning strategy](https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/supply-chain-security/configuration-options-for-dependency-updates#versioning-strategy).
Some developers may wan…
I followed the instruction to build via the
env ARCH=x86_64 bash ci/build.sh
However, right at the end, there was an error about hash mismatch
Embedding ELF...
Marking the A…
To display first 4-8 symbols from val committed hash in some way. Should make it easier to analyze fragmentation issues while chain halted
Minetest should consider using a hash with a longer run time and that uses more memory than the current SHA2 hash used.
Argon2id with reasonable parameters that are acceptable on Android could be …
Currently, both `MemoryIndex` and `IndexFormat` supports only 8 - byte key hashes. We need support for larger hashes ( 16, 32 bytes at least) to reduce read range operations I/O in file - based caches…
Error Invalid signed properties hashing, Signed Properties with id=\'xadesSignedProperties\' during onboarding
hey @deadprogram
Any need for this in WASMvision ?
I need it in my little engine that uses WASM vision so maybe it’s worth while ?
hashing is good for when you have many images in a pip…