In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Aug 26, 2022, 11:21
> For regels.overheid.nl, we work with work packages, these are small jobs for a fixed fee to deliver part functionality (proof of concept), incl…
Like the one you have for VS Code but for [IntelliJ](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) and/or [WebStorm](https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/).
[search](https://search.nix.gsc.io/?q=mps&i=fosho&repos=NixOS-nixpkgs), [files](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=mps+in%3Apath&type=Code)
* [ ] [CVE-2019-18362](https://nvd.ni…
StyleItems used on theose table elements are not applied.
aria-pressed states:
"A value of mixed means that the values of more than one item controlled by the button do not all share the same value. Examples of mixed-state buttons are described in the WAI-A…
From mbeddr.core created by [joswarmer](https://github.com/joswarmer) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1477
Inside a shape definition I tired to extract a method.
When selecting either "Refactor" or "Choose Co…
The current "Bind to Transient Module" is just a temporary prototypical way to connect MPS models to the modelix server. The goal is to store a whole MPS project in the modelix data structure and auto…
When a `de.itemis.mps.editor.diagram.ShapeDefinition` has no `drawShadow` defined, it shows by default a dropShadow: