`do-release-upgrade` went ok. Then I noticed:
$ sudo apt-get update
apt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.5.0: symbol _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsI…
Generating Beamer slides using Pandoc 2.1.1 and XeLaTex plus the Metropolis theme results in a TeX error: option clash for package fontspec.
title: test
# First S…
cagix updated
6 years ago
每次我输入M-x都会提示Wrong number of arguments:setq:1 在原生的emacs下不会出现这个问题
**Describe the bug**
in a java project, on a method, I run the command `xref-find-references` emacs shows: `wrong type argument: hash-table-p, nil`
**To Reproduce**
in a java project. run `xr…
I'm trying to convert to `beamerswitch` and I'm struggling a little bit because I am using the `xcolor` package. My preamble looks like:
In new `lsp` interface, bash lsp server is unable to start and returns this error while opening any `bash`, `sh` and `zsh` files. The legacy interfaces work.
GNU Emacs 26.1
macOS Mojave
title: Title
theme: Berlin
# Slide
(@) One
(@) Two
Then you get
Cont'd from https://github.com/130s/hut_10sqft/issues/324
$ sudo apt-get -f install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
I believe it is necessary, even the beamer manual tells users to use columns in frames (§5.1.3).
Alternatives I have in mind are:
- syntax for divs in #168, with `{.column width=xx%}`;
- using the th…
Hi folks,
after upgrading rmarkdown and use tinytex I found a serious bug, I think it is one.
Normally you may have a main directory in which your, lets say, test.Rmd files is. Let us guess you …