see https://github.com/Tanikai/uniulm_mensa_api/issues/1
[Removed initial feedback, see updated feedback at bottom]
Here's a failing test:
diff --git a/src/jvmTest/kotlin/com/github/doyaaaaaken/kotlincsv/client/StringReaderTest.kt b/src/jvmTest/kotlin/com/github/doyaaaaaken/kotlincsv/client/StringReade…
In GitLab by @Florian-Robrecht on Aug 16, 2023, 21:32
Somehow, the requested XML Files cannot be loaded when using the proxies.
In GitLab by @Florian-Robrecht on Aug 16, 2023, 21:32
_Merges 41-mensa-api-is-not-working-on-server -> development_
Closes #41
A good friend of mine (@Tim-h3) prefers vegan food, but is unable to know which of the offered courses is actually vegan. As the original pdf file provides this information, it would be awesome if you…
In GitLab by @Florian-Robrecht on Aug 16, 2023, 21:52
_Merges 41-mensa-api-is-not-working-on-server -> development_
Closes #41
When I perform these sequences of events, the title changes after on-screen rotation:
1. Go to the Main activity
2. Tap on the first element to expand the list
3. Tap the first in the list
4. A fr…
1. **Motivation** - https://github.com/rwth-acis/las2peer-social-bot-manager-service/issues/208#issuecomment-1679059808 - With how the process is structured now as a star network, a Bot Action that ta…
currently they are generated once per guild although most of them share the same default mensa