Hi, lovely project, I was trying to setup it in the [CYD2USB](https://github.com/witnessmenow/ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display/blob/main/cyd.md#my-cyd-has-two-usb-ports) variant and it seems to work besides…
Rovel updated
1 month ago
Creative commons is not meant for licensing software.
It is even in doubt if it is an open source license, si…
1. Free Redistribution
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several diff…
## Library
Xchart: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.knowm.xchart/xchart/3.2.2
## Purpose
Used for generating visualization charts for viewing transaction patterns
## License
Let's try to list all the 3rd party components and corresponding licenses we used.
- [ ] flutter
- [ ] flutter plugins
- [ ] tensorflow
- [ ] third-party components used by tensorflow, e.g., lib…
A page needs to be created on SB-RC microsite to display a comprehensive list of all external open-source software utilized, including details of their respective licenses
Currently, ContentDB allows proprietary licenses, i.e. licenses that are widely accepted as incompatible with free software or open source software.
- “Other (non-free)” (…
According to the Kickstarter page, this project will be distributed with an open source software licenses
(https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/Musopen/open-source-bug-tracking-0/posts). Can you point…
- Updates on Ai_Commenting: See -> https://github.com/WeberLab-UW/AI_Comment/issues/11 - need to debug script to retrieve all metadata from docket, comment, and attachment (right now just retur…
see: https://www.blackducksoftware.com/resources/data/top-20-open-source-licenses