Wishlist by Catalog
## AI
- [x] https://flowiseai.com
- [x] https://portkey.ai
- [ ] https://www.danswer.ai
- [ ] https://chat-preview.lobehub.com/ (名称:LobeChat)
- [ ] https://fastgpt.in
I'm not sure how or why, but it appears I was never presented with the Configuration Wizard on first run.
Is there a way to trigger it manually?
I am packaging for beszel for NixOs, because I want to use it in my home lab and I guess others too may want to (I do plan contribute my efforts to the official repo once I'm satisfied).
At the mo…
I recently deployed an app using Pocketbase (https://pocketbase.io) as the framework. It works with a front end JS library and has some great realtime features that use SSEs. OAuth login also uses SSE…
I'm seeing an issue at this point in the tutorial:
function Note({ note }: any) {
const { id, title, content, created } = note || {};
return (
on the analysis
select a photo from pocketbase image selection
analyze photo by returning `clarifai` `concept.List` from `makePrediction()`
I have an app that needs to run a background database, but I also want to run the frontend.
At the moment, with `xc`, I open up multiple tabs in tmux, and run each command. However, I end up with a…
At the moment the `DID` envVariables are not visible in the backend.
Hi, I'm trying to add Prometheus metrics to my PocketBase app and I followed the guide in the documentation: https://echo.labstack.com/docs/middleware/prometheus
so I tried to add them like this, u…
I think it should have been - https://github.com/adamshand/sveltekit-pocketbase-auth/blob/main/src/hooks.server.ts