Does the quasiquoter produce `String`, `IsString a`, or something else?
3noch updated
8 years ago
I noticed quasiquotations are not highlighted properly if their function is qualified. For example:
``` haskell
usage = [Docopt.docopt|
Usage: foo [options]
Cheers and thanks in advanc…
When QuasiQuotes are enabled list comprehension may cause parsing error:
GHCi, version 7.10.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Prelude> :set -XQuasiQuotes
Prelude> let x = [ v | v let …
intPtr = [cty| int * |]
addConst t = [cty| const $ty:t |]
result = addConst intPtr
The result is supposed to be `int * const`, but it is `const int *`.
All I want is e…
value-type only works inside of assert-concept, but I need to use the value-type somewhere else, but value-type is not in scope
(see here: https://github.com/porky11/planets/blob/129c4e9d9d49f53891df7…
Examples from the [Persistent documentation](http://www.yesodweb.com/book/persistent) fail for me.
:extension EmptyDataDecls
:extension FlexibleContexts
:extension GADTs
:extension GeneralizedNew…
foo = do
let bar = [text|"some text"|]
button "Cancel" $ do
After pressing Enter after `do`, the cursor is at the position marked with `_`, which is rather wrong.
This …
In short, the ````--strip-trailing-cr```` option doesn't exist in OpenBSD's version of ````diff````, but Testrun.hs uses that option. If I run the tests unchanged, 0 of 220 pass. If I take out that op…
bonds updated
7 years ago
Is there a convention for quote and quasiquote?
In the example:
foo : Type
foo = ?bar
The command:
:p bar
fill Nat
Fails, with the cryptic error message: `INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown reflection raw term: Prelude.Nat.Nat`.