Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project and activate RequirementVP on it
2. Import the Sample.reqif model (find in attachment)
=> The requirements' labels cannot be calculated (see Bug.png)
Installation details:
- Capella
- Requirement add-on
- launch an import of requirement from reqif file
- when the diff/merge window show up, do "O…
Hallo Helmut,
ich habe mich jetzt intensiver mit deinem Projekt hoReverse beschäftigt, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den ReqIF Sachen. Erstmal vielen dank für die tolle Arbeit die du gemacht hast und …
Steps to reproduce (build 125 of https://hudson.polarsys.org/capella/view/Capella%20Viewpoints/job/capella-requirements-viewpoint-master/ ):
1. Create a Capella model,
2. Activate the "Capella Require…
Links exported in the ReqIf format with DOORS have different identifiers between exports. We should use as identifier for links
`ECLIPSE-555380` `POLARSYS-1882` `@tto` `2017-12-19`
The import process display the diffmerge step even we import a non-ReqIF format file by mistake. This non-compliance is not blocking during the import.
`ECLIPSE-555379` `POLARSYS-1881` `@rba` `2017-1…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new project and activate RequirementVP on it
2. Import the Sample.reqif model (find in attachment)
=> The requirements' labels cannot be calculated (see Bug.png)
The button "Open In Editor" provided by default by diff/merge co-evolution does not work. It causes the corruption of the aird model after opening the editor. A sirius session will not be able to be o…
Attachment: [error-log.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/eclipse/capella/attachments/280997.txt)
VMDisconnectedException: Got IOException from Virtual Machine
See Capella-Forum
Attachment: [error-log.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/eclipse/capella/attachments/280997.txt)
VMDisconnectedException: Got IOException from Virtual Machine
See Capella-Forum