**Describe the bug**
Getting the following exception:
Connecting To Spotify...
Making requests to Spotify...
Downloading ::::: Moderat - Intruder
Unhandled exception. YoutubeExplode.Exceptio…
Hi, I'm developing a program in which I need to download a playlist of videos; so far I've found a YouTube API link to list all videos in a playlist, and it contains all the videos' Ids. For now, I've…
Hello everyone. Found a strange bug in the master branch. Global variables are defined incorrectly. Perhaps the addiu instruction is being handled incorrectly. In version 1.6 everything is ok. Ghidra …
Here's what I've done :
- Using `Apktool` to extract all file in a `.apk` file. In it I found `libunity.so` for example.
- Launch a android emulator via `emulator -avd [my-emulator-name]`
Function: `Channels.GetUploadsAsync`
Channel Id: UC8WHyfTblB1QhzlJEZawLQw
Playlist response is broken.
In most cases, this error indicates that the problem is on YouTube's side and…
Hi! Working with angr for the first time, so apologies if this is the wrong forum for asking this sort of question. If so, feel free to close this down immediately. Basically what…
I can't open FreeCAD Linkstage3 branch, both Stable and Daily. But FreeCAD main branch working is fine. It may be a AppImage Issue.
Here is the output of terminal when I'm trying to open FreeCAD AppI…
This video is not downloadable with your client: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFCE6XpC2cw
Enter YouTube video ID or URL: rFCE6XpC2cw
Downloading stream: 720p / mp4... Completed √
Unhandled …
If I go to the YoutubeExplode.DemoConsole folder (netcore2.1.519 installed on my system) and run
dotnet run
I get a bunch of errors. They all look related to YoutubeExplode using l…
I'm not very good at this and have no idea what does this error means.
The whole description looks like this.
`KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.