There are many transmitters that have already been decoded and implemented in various projects. I have not had much luck getting my Accurite weather station or temperature sensors to detect correctly…
### General ideas to explore and check
- Find a way to build module specific styles into separate CSS files. We don't want to include everything in the main theme.css, when some users won't use half …
In #11, we provided a basic integration with [Jim Sky's Radio Sky Spectrograph](http://cygnusa.blogspot.com/2015/07/how-to-talk-to-radio-sky-spectrograph.html). There is a desire to extend the spectr…
The following is specific feedback to updates here: https://armleo-openlane.readthedocs.io/en/merge-window-4/docs/source/digital_guide.html
1. Title- Change to reflect the specific flow. " A bottom…
Dear All,
Currently,I have installed gnss-sdr on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS version and using Windows 10 on same system.
I am trying to get realtime GPS Signal using gnss-sdr. Tried to install gnss-sdr on …
When running `qspectrum analyzer` on macOS latest version with latest qsa and soapy_power the app crashes due to soapy_power.
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
WARNING: Sample rate 2560000.0 Hz …
I've been trying to do:
code_gen -r sw.txt -w - | rtl_433 -R 0:v -X 'n=relays-remote,m=OOK_PWM,s=330,l=1040,g=1100,r=2200,bits=25,repeats>=1,unique' -r -
where my sw.txt looks like this:…
Some of the blocks which are written in Python are slowing the program down
@jamilkallas - Redevelop SNR selector in C++
@wbarnha - Redevelop Square Root function for complex variables in C++
I am running ubuntu 18.04 LTS with gnuradio installed using pybombs I did manage to have gr-fosphor running inside the gnuradio.
I did installed qspectrumanalyzer with command: sudo pyth…
- [ ] Separate GUI and Core code into separate processes (#66, #67)
This will allow for coprocessing instead of a single GUI update (e.g. Process List updating) blocking the program from optimizing a…