In the main place we use it, we use a lock:
But there are some parts of the Session implementation that do no…
daslu updated
4 years ago
It would be great to have possibility to sort dataset by columns with given order. It's fairly easy to sort by columns with names as keywords ordering ascending:
(->> (ds/->dataset [{:a…
Following the steps in the README for testing if the installation works, upon requiring the ns
$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {scicloj/clojisr {:mvn/version "1.0.0-BETA10"}}}'
Currently, Clojuress depends on Renjin.
This requires to add an additional Maven repository on any project that depend…
daslu updated
4 years ago
We get this error message:
Syntax error (ExceptionInfo) compiling at (alembic/still.clj:65:1).
Alembic can not manipulate specified ClassLoader.
when trying to add a dependency on runtime…
daslu updated
4 years ago
up-then-down, down-then-up, up-then-value down-then-value, value, and in all cases fn can be provided to calculate the value. The function will be given the column with the missing data elided.
I registered https://hub.docker.com/orgs/scicloj a while back. Let me know if you want it transferred over.
Aggregation on dataset and on groups (after group-by) should result a dataset. As @keesterbrugge shows it can be done with some Clojure operations. Wonder if there are more optimal versions.
I'm trying to test this out on W10, and getting the following error after following the self install instructions on the stand-alone jar:
Enter installation directory [~/.saite]: ~/.saite
joinr updated
5 years ago
It seems that `Konserve` has the capability to create a store backed by a hitchhiker tree, a feature being put to good use by the `Datahike` project. However, Konserve doesn't seem to expose this in i…