播放地址类似 https://xxxx/rtc/v1/whep/?app=live&stream=t001
后端使用OSSRS 6
# Required information
* Camera board id: ISVP, T31X
* OpenIPC version:
* installation method: Majestic version which came with OpenIPC
# Issue description
Like `libnginx…
U prilogu se nalazi konačna verzija SRS-a (07.04.2021.god)
[SRS TIM2 NRS TPV-V2.0.pdf](https://github.com/amirakurtagic1/nrs20-tim2/files/6274694/SRS.TIM2.NRS.TPV-V2.0.pdf)
### Describe the feature
* Currently if one client has and error the entire `Fido.search` crashes which is very annoying especially when it's not the intended client that has the problem.
For ex…
## artifact under review.
SRS Document
## team number (for the team doing the review).
Team 22
## description of issue.
The document is missing formal specification of any kind in the do…
### when i start building ios project I get an error:
Xcode's output:
Writing result bundle at path:
Workaround: Now we disable SRT for cygwin by default as a workaround.
The stack is bellow
gdb: unknown target exception 0x20474343 at 0x7fff993c039c
Thread 1 "srs" received signal ?, Unk…
SRS version:
listen 1935;
max_connections 1000;
#srs_log_tank file;
#srs_log_file ./objs/srs.log;
daemon on;
http_api {
See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.10142