Hello! Was getting this cryptic error message in readr::read_delim and traced it to vroom. It occurs when `col_select` has no valid columns. MWE:
##### Network version
##### Orange version
##### Expected behavior
Gephi (and probably other network visualization tools) have a "smart" display of dense networks. When the n…
When making a subset of particles, it would be nice to have two output sets, one with the selected particles, another one with the deselected particles
Currently, the library uses a very small subset of jQuery's functionality, but jQuery itself is very huge. The process of using `browserify` appends `jQuery` to the source file, which results in a la…
I'm currently trying to use noether to generate paths over a subset of faces on a mesh. The faces are chosen through a tool I've developed in rviz, which then extracts those faces from the Mesh…
modifyList() and purrr::modify_in() are not enough.
We need better utilities to rename, reorder, remove, apply etc
We need also to do a bit better than pluck accessors, by being able to access s…
Faster RCNN is really a fantastic work!
Recently, I want to use Faster-RCNN to help the pose estimation. The dataset of pose estimation contains about 80,000 images after data augmentation. In the st…
We meed a highlighting mode for LTSs. The highlighted part is a subset of the visible LTS, To which the following functionality applies:
\- Matches that are part of the highlighted LTS are themselves…
When trying to use FeatureSelector I got "" message.
Command I use (python 3.10):
`from verstack import FeatureSelector`
`FS = FeatureSelector(objective = 'classification', auto = True)`
The current behavior of applying a custom/adhoc prompt is to process the results into the CoPilot chat window. Would be great to provide some options to users in addition to this default behavior: