on steam, win10, nightly version there's a bug that constantly crashes the client, basically if you put any png file in %appdata%\teeworlds\assets\hud that is not called default.png, then itll crash u…
The server clock is not centered which **really** annoyed me for a long time. The default Teeworlds client doesn't do that.
Pls fix
Is this app installable with `sudo apt install`?
Yes but the apt Version is outdated.
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Got it 100% on 32 bit release build from ddnet.tw as well as debug build from mingw32 on a win 7 64 bit.
Output from gdb:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
One of the newer changes in the master does that, I am at windows 10 (with all features installed)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.18362.0\um\winnt.h(2482): error C2338: Wind…
I have a funny bug for you today, which is already for more than 11 years in the code and certainly already noticed by a few. Spoiler in 0.7 it is already fixed. I would suggest we also fix it
It is…
If a server sends [the 0.7 way of angle](https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/blob/master/src/game/gamecore.cpp#L104), while someone is aiming straight left (angle -803 to +804, the border), then th…
Currently when a game mode uses mode with Blue and Red team. The client automatically overwrites the tee colors for their respective teams. All effects and displays, whether in the kill history, in th…
The client crashes when an invalid map ([14.map.zip](https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/files/7402713/14.map.zip)) is loaded. Such a map can be delivered to the client by a malicious server.
mmmds updated
2 years ago