We use the Polyglot API in our application/framework to control logistics in production environments. Users can contribute JavaScript code to customize or extend functionality. Regarding performance, …
I learn the demo: Code is come from: https://truffleframework.com/tutorials/pet-shop, when I test:
$ truffle.cmd test
Using network 'development'.
Compiling .\test\TestAdoption.sol...
iheqi updated
5 years ago
The `bytecode` generated by `truffle compile` and the `bin` generated by `solc` are always different.
I am using:
- solc v0.4.24
- truffle v4.1.14 (which, according to its `package.json`, relies …
after cloning this repo and install truffle -g. error message with the import "truffle/Console.sol"
"Source "truffle/Console.sol" not found: File import callback not supported"
When running the Truffle tests with the Truffle HDWallet provider there's a strange error at the start:
Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: ""
at Object.InvalidResponse (/mnt/c/Projects/wo…
git clone https://github.com/enjin/erc-1155.git
cd .\erc-1155\
npm install
λ truffle test
Could not find suitable configuration file.
Truffle v5.0.30 (core: 5.0.30)
Node v10.16.0
# context
Hi all, first time submitting a bug report ever. Here's the info:
- What are you trying to achieve?
- Implement a way for pkl to retrieve configuration values from AWS SSM Parameter…
All work fine, but if create file `touch truffle.js` contracts not compiling: **SyntaxError: Error parsing**
It don't know `interface`!
But if delete truffle.js it write `interfaces is not a valid…
![screenshot from 2017-03-15 08-51-03](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6476224/23938450/afdd0c90-095c-11e7-998b-35e9c8186768.png)
thank you for help
eshon updated
5 years ago