- 题库页面打开模拟oj功能会有延时导致相关oj信息并没有完全隐藏❌
- 竞赛页面选题进入题目页时,左边栏适配需要更新❌
- 题目左侧栏目ui适配,题单页ui适配 ✅
- 以上两个页面的定时任务清除优化,使界面流畅 ✅
- 题目左侧栏目官方ui更新,插件还未适配 已解决 ✅
- 题单页官方u…
python3 redex.py -c default.config -o /Users/leo.zhang/Desktop/json/release/mcc_origin_out.apk /Users/leo.zhang/Desktop/json/release/mcc_origin.apk
**error message:**
[ERROR ] Expecting value:…
# canvas 实现吸色功能 | Wei Zhang's Blog
需求介绍实现吸管功能: 当点击吸管图标,出现遮罩层,突出需要吸色的画布 鼠标移动至画布,显示放大镜 放大镜中有网格线与中心点小方格。取色取的是中心点小方格的色值 网格线里的每个小方格都是像素点 放大镜需要一直出现在画布中,即鼠标移到画布的各个角落,放大镜都在
- [Rie Johnson](http://riejohnson.com/)
- [CONTEXT v4: Neural network code for text categorization in C++ on GPU](http://riejohnson.com/cnn_download.html)
- Pang,…
I've trained a lora of flux, but how can I use it to inpainting?
> Is ChatGPT Fair for Recommendation? Evaluating Fairness in Large Language Model Recommendation
Jizhi Zhang, Keqin Bao, Yang Zhang, Wenjie Wang, Fuli Feng, Xiangnan He
Type: eprint
what is the reproduce workflow that we talked during the class?
and there is also a thing that I didn't catch during the class. there's a "RMarkdown code for section":
##= main section ###= subse…
Dear Author,
I hope this message finds you well.
I noticed that in the code provided, the section for extracting the date appears to be missing. Could you please provide the complete code for th…
zebiu updated
3 months ago
重 chong
- **重置**
- **多重**, 九重, 两重
- 山重水复
- **重来**
- 重估,重写,重拾,重整,重考,重载,重蹈,重门,
- 重装系统
弹 tan
- **弹出, 弹框, 弹窗**
- **弹奏**
- 老调重弹
- 联弹, 四手联弹
- 等长
- 渊远流长
- 滕薛争长
- 百无一长
- …
ksqsf updated
9 months ago
假如作者为张三(San Zhang)默认的显示方式是 "San Z",求问如何修改为显示 "San Zhang"?