http://sparqles.ai.wu.ac.at/availability shows
`http://vocab.getty.edu/sparql (2) 0% 0%`
I know for a fact this endpoint is up all the time.
Can you provide more info when it was last checked and …
One use case is switching to a classical CMS workflow, where article proposals are only visible by content managers.
User U1 must not be able to access data of user U2. We don't need for now a com…
[here](https://github.com/semanticarts/gist/blob/develop/ontologies/gistCore.ttl#L2948-L2950) we have
a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:range xsd:string ;
if we use…
We should have options to export JSON-LD and TSV
For JSON-LD, this should be possible via a standard RDF to JSON-LD converter (ie apache-jena). However, we should tweak this with a standard context f…
Line #66650918 in https://downloads.dbpedia.org/repo/dbpedia/wikidata/sameas-all-wikis/2020.03.01/sameas-all-wikis.ttl.bz2 with Subject `http://wikidata.dbpedia.org/resource/Q9398047`
Contains the [U…
Most vendors have a custom full-text search (FTS) implementation and SPARQL filters. Eg:
- http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfsparqlrulefulltext/ (`bif:contains`)
- https://jena.apache.org/doc…
When querying CMO:
2020-03-27 08:28:28,218 ERROR org.apache.jena.riot - [line: 131, col: 107] Illegal unicode escape sequence value: \: (0x3A)
[line: 131, col: 107] Illegal unicode escape seque…
This is taken from a [report on users@jena.apache.org](http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/jena-users/201411.mbox/%3Cximss-9144925%40ebremer.com%3E)
and I've investigated further and reduced it …
> consecutive SPARQL 1.1 CONSTRUCT queries, where PREFIX and BASE apply to any subsequent query
PREFIXes are carried over, but BASE is not (or at least is not resol…
### Version
### Feature
The default SPARQL query
PREFIX rdfs:
?sub ?pred ?obj .
} LIMIT 10
Should be extendable with custom p…