This issue may actually belong to `gut`. I am able to `./autogen.sh`/`./configure`/`make` in giellalt/template-lang-und without errors, but when I tried to do it right off the bat with `lang-rue` and …
The idea is to converge on definition of these words according to our respective scientific domains. At this point it is not even sure that all words are relevant to all domains and this may also depe…
- Shouldn't this be Touche2020: https://github.com/embeddings-benchmark/mteb/blob/a988fef10cb73e2a35238f14f5c59a6615bbdaeb/mteb/benchmarks/benchmarks.py#L189 not the new one like here https://github.c…
The `Wordform` model represents a wordform in the source language.
A wordform _should_ have the following fields or properties:
- [ ] `is_head`: this wordform has explicit defintions. `is_head…
Following the template in [Listing 11](https://comp-think.github.io/2018-2019/lecture-notes/04%20-%20Programming%20languages.pdf), write in Python the algorithm proposed originally in [Figure 4 of the…
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- [ ] https://github.com/jamiebuilds/the-super-tiny-compiler
Post questions here for this week's exemplary readings: Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian, Lillian Lee, B. Pang, and John Kleinberg. 2012. “Echoes of Power: Language Effects and Power Differences in S…
#### Summary:
Is it possible to place a inverse gaussian prior with rstanarm?
#### Description:
I am now trying to use stan_glmer in the rstanarm package with a inverse gaussian distribution for pr…