When issuing a **shards build target_name** command the dependencies are fetched EVERY time even though
-- the dependencies are already installed in the lib folder and all dependencies are satisfied
> NomadEducation (50 MiB)
> Digital Schools Android App
Change to
> Nomad android app (50 MiB)
> Révisions brevet, bac et +
We should re-work the Application content so that it is aligned with the process that people applying go through. This will let applicants go directly to the most relevant content for them.
This wi…
1) Projects.json
**Jeffrey Roe (Ir)**
_is the CEO of TOG Hackerspace. He is an electronic engineer, working for Parkbytext. His current work has him leading a development team for a mobile parking payments system i…
Massive amount of things to account for here it appears, uffties.
NOUS41 KWBC 241800
Service Change Notification 20-78
National Weather Service Headquarters Silver Spring MD
100 PM…
First, thanks for this amazing work ! 👏
I'm the founder of [Gladys Assistant](https://github.com/GladysAssistant/Gladys/), it's an open-source home automation software which runs on a Raspberry Pi…
It looks like the Buy Button code always uses the "large" image for product displays. It would be nice if this was a customizable option, with options similar to [the image size parameters for the Li…
> Nuestros eventos se rigen por el siguiente [Código de conducta](http://es.confcodeofconduct.com/)
> Antes de proponer una charla, recuerda revisarlo para ver si estamos en la
> misma onda 😊
# Context
I've been using my [3 Mobile](https://github.com/dwyl/remote-working/issues/12#issuecomment-552089281) SIM on EU Roaming in PT for the past few years and it's been _very_ good. 👍