### Context
part of https://github.com/Police-Data-Accessibility-Project/data-sources-app/issues/248
We're going to be integrating tightly with GitHub already for #256. It's way cleaner if we le…
Hey there,
Let me say up front that I'm far from the most experience coder. But I'm doing my best! Let me also say that this is more likely not to be an issue with image-match. but rather my inexpe…
We'll use flask-socketio library to create a websocket server and respond to commands. This will allow us to send flight data to the front end in real time, while also making it easy to send commands …
I followed the exact same steps as mentioned and tried running the project in my local system, but while I can see the fron end, I cant generate any recommendations. I changed the client_id …
It seems that [librex](https://github.com/hnhx/librex) is no longer maintained, there is a fork called [LibreY](https://github.com/Ahwxorg/LibreY)
Im interested but not sure whats the use case could you explain?
`/get/posts` : get all the posts.
`/get/{user}/bookmarks` : get bookmarked posts of a user, sends a UID for a particular user.
`/get/{vertical}/posts` : get posts from a particular vertical
Remove username and password fields
Take users to sign in page or better yet, log them in after saving
as systemd service
For methods that create entries in the database (currently only the `POST` method of `/data-sources`), it may be useful to do the following:
1. Break up endpoints more explicitly into sub-endpoints -…