I just noticed you've done a lot of work on the Hugo interpreter. Do you think the updates would work in other Glk interpreters?
Essentially every time I check out a different branch in git or run prettier over my files, Hugo crashes. Here's the most recent crash:
goroutine 19169 [running]:
I'm using the `amd64.tar.gz` binary from the releases page, and starting from `0.111.0`, hugo extended fails to run in Alpine. This is not the case for `0.110.0` . Seems something changed in the way t…
# Hugo Book中英多语言搜索配置 | ToastDoc 碎片文档 🍞
Hugo Book中英多语言搜索配置 | hugo book chinese english search support . multi language search
I am so confused.
I have a relatively simple config. It works flawlessly for system files but I also want to persist some files and some directories in my home directory (and have everything else …
Could you set this up as a Hugo module? Will make installation and updates much easier.
I am happy to submit a PR if you like
As discussed [here](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/404-html-reports-isnode-as-true/48487), `.IsNode` should be `false` for the `404.html` template.
### What version of Hugo are you using (`hugo ver…
# 用 Hugo + Vercel 重建博客 - Unnoted Melody
hugo: can we have a small coppy icon in a windows that we set to some string adn then when wy press the coppy icon, it goes into clipboard
# Hugo: Mengenal Hugo (Static Site Generator)
Hugo merupakan sebuah kerangka kerja untuk membuat website secara statis.