譬如:搜狗拼音輸入法:查「乪」字點打咁,撳 `U` + `yi` + `tian`,就可以出「乪」字。
呢個項目如果有得撳 `U` + `jim` + `tin`,就可以出「乪」字。咁樣咪仲好?
=== Symbols and abbreviated terms
[ stem:[x] ]:: Square brackets are used to enclose IPA phonetic symbols.
{ stem:[x] }:: Curved brackets are used to enclose phoneme symbols and tones o…
比如,輸入canjia(”參加“的漢語拼音)的時候想提示caam1 gaa1(”參加“的粵拼)
`hime_black_full.png` is missing
This plan captures our work in **Winter**.
## Cycle Schedule
Shown below is the expected date-and-month schedule for the current cycle.
- February 1, 2020: Start first survey for updates.
- …
From @chaaklau
> This is a character to pinyin mapping. Cantonese data is available on Unihan. Unihan_Readings.txt in the zip archive has the kCantonese field(s) (i.e. Jyutping pronunciation) for a…
## 合併詞庫
經過各位嘅努力而家呢個倉庫已經基本成型了。不過我覺得仲有一個問題需要解決,就係將https://github.com/rime/rime-jyutping 入邊嘅詞庫都加埋入去。目前rime-jyutping入邊有15794個帶拼音(都冇聲調)或者冇拼音嘅詞條,而https://github.com/sgalal/rime-cantonese/issues/10 入邊提到嘅`jy…
目前港式粵語中有較普遍的開合口不分的懶音現象,例如 「國家」/gwok gaa/ 會發成 /gok gaa/,「廣州」/gwong zau/ 發成 /gong zau/。本次提交https://github.com/rime/rime-jyutpi…
The dictionary does not have "si fuk hei" as a valid pronunciation for 「伺服器」. Instead, "zi fuk hei" must be typed for predictions.
* https://words.hk/zidin/%E4%BC%BA%E6%9C%8D%E5%99%A8
* https://en…
**System information**
- Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in TensorFlow): **No**
- OS Platform and Distribution : **Debian GNU/Linux 10.x (buster) 64Bi…