`v0.6.0` crashes when `TERM=dumb`. Here's a way to reproduce this on macOS (12.4, `rust` installed via Homebrew):
cargo new test_crate --bin
cd test_crate
cat > Cargo.toml
at com.shared.command.UpdateGameStateCommand.executeServer(UpdateGameStateCommand.java:42)
at com.server.CommandHandler.handle(CommandHandler.java:30)
Por favor traz uma introdução de como iniciar um trabalho com as AIs
Se der uma enfase nos agentes ficarei mais feliz ainda...
Obrigado por tudo.
Testing a POC at work, came across this:
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Write method of java.util.UUID for property priceListId is not compatible with the value passed
> Caused b…
You know how I like to suggest E-hard new lints? Sorry, this time I only have an E-hard L-enhancement to report.
warning: large size difference between variants
--> src/main.rs:66:1
Evertime we deploy the app or restart the app. we wont get the complete trace . And then we have to restart the mule runtime to fix it.
Error from mule_ee log file
2020-08-20 18:36:45.084 [[dbank…
Hi, I get this error every time I try to run my project.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Column io.github.dehuckakpyt.telegrambot.model.Teleg…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
2. client_id,authorizeURL,redirect_uri,client_secret都能获取到值
What is the expected output? What do you see inst…
### What page were you looking at?
### What version of the site were you looking at?
Does ki handles promises?
I've tried to play around with Fetch API, `fetch` function does return promise, but I can't figure out what is the proper syntax for `.then().catch()` in ki.