Ok, I'm still fairly new to Neovim so I'm not sure how to provide more details but happy to give anything that's missing here if you can explain how, but the gist of the situation is: I just started w…
Not sure why this is happening, but I'm running this in a Django project. I'm using the following shortcut:
vim.keymap.set("n", "df", "lua require('neotest').run.run({vim.fn.expand('%')})",…
So I keep getting errors message when using this plugin and I am not sure if it comes from my configuration or some other error.
here is the error I see:
Error executing vim.schedule lua callba…
Hi and thank you this amazing plugin. Can please help me debug why am I getting this error when opening a hepfile ``:h help``.
Error detected while processing BufReadPost Autocommands for "*":
Thanks for the awesome gem. LSP server for ruby is a must have feature 🙂 Is there any forks with vim/neovim support? Just curious. 😀
Please point me out if there are any. Thanks and looking forward…
Thank you for the excellent effort!
It would be great if bashunit incorporated a functionality to generate test report files, facilitating seamless integration with IDEs or diverse software platfor…
hi, thanks to your work.
Except using this plugin as a unit test framework for Neovim lua plugin, I also need to integrate it into CI/Pipeline (such as **GitHub Actions**) of my Neovim plugin proje…
I'm using neotest-dart with [flutter-tools.nvim](https://github.com/akinsho/flutter-tools.nvim) for a few months now, everything works great when I'm working with tests in a single file.
I am currently trying to use this plugin to work on a Vapor project. Though I am struggling getting things to work.
So far I have tried to generate a `.xcodeproj` file using `xcodegen`.
Here is …
I've noticed the following behaviour with my rustaceanvim adapter:
:e foo.rs
:Neotest run " runs tests
:e bar.rs
:Neotest run " outputs No tests found
:Neotest run " runs tests