It looks like there may be a bug in how OceanParcels reads variables from an Xarray dataset. When reading a dataset that has a dimension time, no error shows up and I think it works well as long as 't…
With the last Parcels version I get the following Warning:
_WARNING: Unable to locate chunking hints from dask, thus estimating the max. chunk size heuristically. Please consider defining the 'chun…
I've run into compilation errors just specifying `python=3` upon installation. Falling back to `python=3.6` seems to have solved this for now.
Should the installation instructions be adapted until …
I've just updated python to version 3.7, and therefore I reinstalled parcels with the most up to date version (v2.1 that was just released). However, with this new version of parcels I find that my ru…
Hello all,
I am having a similar issue as #703. When using the beta 2.0.0 version of Parcels I had no problem running a 2D simulation with 10 years of daily Mercator (nested grid with 0.083 and 0.2…
I define my fieldset as follows:
data_path = '/home/behrense/_niwa02764n/data/'
ufiles = sorted(glob(data_path+'1*U.nc'))
vfiles = sorted(glob(data_path+'1*V.nc'))
tfiles = sorted(glob(dat…
Apologies if this is too off-topic, but whilst I'm very impressed that OceanParcels allows you to use nested grids, I wanted to ask if particle tracking across nested grids has been tested/validated b…
Dear parcels crew
Just in case you're not aware... after updating parcels my script failed when I was adding my custom kernels:
kernels = AdvectionRK4_3D + sampT + sampS +deleteout
Running Parcels in MPI mode with `mpirun -np x` yields the following error whenever x > 1.
mpirun -np 2 python ~/parcels/parcels/examples/example_stommel.py -p 10
INFO: Generating FieldSet…
I think I've made some assumptions about rectilinear domains (i.e. 1D lat/lon axes), that means we won't handle curvilinear input (i.e. 2D lat/lon axes). This is likely only a problem on the lagrangia…