As said in the title. A few functions assume ref systems are the same between multiple data sources. Change these functions to use the OGR spatial ref objects to allow conversion between the two and p…
## Expected behavior and actual behavior.
When repairing broken geometries in Python, we make use of ogr's IsValid() and MakeValid() functions in our application code. When checking for invalid geo…
I am getting the following error during the make step:
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make all-recursive
Making all in src
g++ -g -O2 -L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib -o gdal_ra…
### What is the bug?
`gdal` doesn't export the EsriJSON to the proper curve geometries. See: https://gdal.org/development/rfc/rfc49_curve_geometries.html
When using the `CreateGeometryFromEsriJso…
When editing some geopackage generated projects which use relations it can easily come to database locked situations when editing.
## Steps to reproduce:
- Import model into gpkg: [https://models.…
**Reporter: szekerest**
**Date: 2006/02/08 - 21:50**
When compiling mapserver with Visual Studio 2005 the following error occurs:
cl /nologo /Zi /MD /EHsc /w /DDEBUG -Ic:/projects/gdwin32
There are 2 main users stories: Data Producers and Data Users
* Each of these groups needs some examples (overlapping if a User then becomes a Producer)
* Producer - Making data in the format
**Reporter: condit@sdsc.edu**
**Date: 2006/01/11 - 00:02**
It would be nice to need need OGR for Oracle WFS info...
Define location and field table mapping for simplicity data, with yaml configuration files
Use ETL or something like OGR to popluate database
go get github.com/lukeroth/gdal
# github.com/lukeroth/gdal
../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/gdal@v0.0.0-20210310154358-b66f07d1a621/ogr.go:1278:55: cannot use _cgo3 (type *_Ctype_uchar) as type u…