Is it possible to disable this feature where it suggests the `` whenever I enter "tag" or any other word?
### Décrire le bug
Le pictogram visible sur Figma (v1.11) "in-progress" n'est pas disponible dans le DSFR
### FAQ
- [X] I have checked the [FAQ](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/blob/main/doc/cmp.txt) and it didn't resolve my problem.
### Announcement
- [X] I have checked [Breaking change announceme…
### What problem does this feature solve?
### What does the proposed API look like?
## What is this
We've added a lot of great new features of Primer (Blueprints, Presentations, updates to Components and CSS, etc.) and we need to update Primer.style to reflect each new facet.
I think the wording and the pictogram for protected bike lanes could be improved:
Currently it looks like this:
The word "sidepath" could be confusing, due to the tag `use_sidepath=*` in OSM…
Need help to set up cmp properly.
Tried to place this part of code from README.md to `~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/cmp.lua` file with different variations like this:
return {
We decided to externalize this issue, Luca is preparing the IndagineMercato.
We have around 60 companies working on OpenDataHub.
I got requests (even over twitter) about which companies are wo…
**Describe the bug**
- Very recently the notifications have started to continuously reappear mostly from the beginning after certain number of intervals or any new notification appears and then is…
Hi, fridl,
Thanks for your app!
All data for France, are free, and under ETALAB licence.
They can be download on pdf or xml formats here : https://donneespubliques.meteofrance.fr/?fond=produit&id…