my download path is /home/@send/Music but there is a folder in /home/@send called torrentflux that is being renamed by the download scan to 'torrentflux (Unprocessed) every 5 minutes which is breaking…
Hey guys, been getting a lot of pixel artist chiming in with desire to contribute (which effing rocks! thanks guys!). I'm trying to figure out a way to process this (or decide on someone?), so I figur…
I think it would be nice to display the size of each game to be downloaded, in megabytes.
I found that the following seems to be working. I am not used to LuaSocket, but I manage to get this to w…
Since update to 1.99.42 poweramp won't load as its unable to verify license. Pretty upset as its my favorite music app. Tried everything I can think but the only thing that works to allow me to launch…
As for some mission its more effective to use a noctics afterwards a mission where many large wrecks are still left it seems to wreck the statistics.
xx.04.2012 09:06:57;The Sansha Spies;0;1184000;13…