Attachment: [error-log.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/eclipse/capella/attachments/280997.txt)
VMDisconnectedException: Got IOException from Virtual Machine
See Capella-Forum
The button "Open In Editor" provided by default by diff/merge co-evolution does not work. It causes the corruption of the aird model after opening the editor. A sirius session will not be able to be o…
The button "Open In Editor" provided by default by diff/merge co-evolution does not work. It causes the corruption of the aird model after opening the editor. A sirius session will not be able to be o…
Merged to [master].
Commit: [2c7f50f2d329ed7c6ee3e264b348d7ebf46cf78e](https://github.com/search?q=2c7f50f2d329ed7c6ee3e264b348d7ebf46cf78e&type=Commits)
`ECLIPSE-555374` `POLARSYS-1831` `jeremy.aubr…
Steps to reproduce (build 125 of https://hudson.polarsys.org/capella/view/Capella%20Viewpoints/job/capella-requirements-viewpoint-master/ ):
1. Create a Capella model,
2. Activate the "Capella Require…
The button "Open In Editor" provided by default by diff/merge co-evolution does not work. It causes the corruption of the aird model after opening the editor. A sirius session will not be able to be o…
Installation details:
- Capella
- Requirement add-on
- launch an import of requirement from reqif file
- when the diff/merge window show up, do "O…
Attachment: [error-log.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/eclipse/capella/attachments/280997.txt)
VMDisconnectedException: Got IOException from Virtual Machine
See Capella-Forum
Installation details:
- Capella
- Requirement add-on
- launch an import of requirement from reqif file
- when the diff/merge window show up, do "O…
When the properties is resized, inner scrolls are lost and transfer buttons are not easily accessible when the available selection (tree) is big
`🆔 ECLIPSE-555340 / POLARSYS-1389` `👷 damien.filliat` …