# **Arweave’s Perpetual Open Web Hackathon**
## **Introduction**
Welcome to the perpetual, open permaweb hackathon!
At Arweave we firmly believe that the future of the [new web should be open…
Do you have any plan to support array column support?
Is there a way to point firestore to a local emulator in the same way as `functions().useFunctionsEmulator('...')` ?
I recently upgraded a large application to "spring boot 1.5.3" and since the upgrade we had a runtime issue with the JSON Lib (org.json) pulled in by "spring-boot 1.5.3 RELEASE". There was no …
Reply to this issue with a summary of what you did for the hacker culture task. See [the task instructions](https://github.com/mikeizbicki/cmc-csci046/blob/2023spring/caveat_tasks/culture.md) for ins…
**Output of `docker version`:**
Version: 1.10.3
API version: 1.22
Go version: go1.5.3
Git commit: 20f81dd
Built: Thu Mar 10 15:54:52 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Several bugs to report. First of all I get a dialog saying the latest version is 0.11 despite already using 0.11
Second it crashes every time I choose refresh checked or refresh all tabs. If I sel…
I've been thinking about how users should be loading/updating functions. One thing that struck me is that many users of Redis run Redis with either just replication or AOF but not FSYNC on every write…
_This issue is updated as new requirements unfold._
## Problem
We need to find a better-suited state (reactive) management solution for the SDK. That solution could be a "better way" of dealing…
Would the project team be interested in adding first class offline support to the roadmap?
Given that RTK is making api integration really simple, could there be room for some enhancements to make …