julia> using DoubleFloats, LinearAlgebra
julia> df = reshape(rand(Double32, 5*5), 5, 5)
5×5 Array{DoubleFloat{Float32},2}:
0.60097873 0.9829146 0.5978393 0.12267983 0.9307427
This is more of a feature request than an actual issue, but I was wondering if it is possible to combine the CPR solvers with the block-solvers. Say that I have a block system where the entries…
Hi Jutho!
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I noticed that eigsolve() does not always return normalized eigenvectors. Are the eigenvalues supposed to be normalized? I couldn't see anything about t…
Quoted link is broken
> Singular value decomposition, Schur factorization, etc. See "here" for further details
It is already possible to solve a PDE in a subdomain #159 but:
> I'm surprised that InteriorBasis.__init__ does not have an optional argument for specifying the set of elements.
This would be co…
I _might_ be using the library incorrectly, but if not, then I may have found a limitation in the Schur decomposition algorithm on a 2x2 matrix. The decomposition as done in the following code leads t…
I'm getting a segmentation fault when computing the schur decomposition of a 0-dimensional matrix. That is supposed to fail, but it should not crash. I'm only getting this error if I import `rpy2` (py…
This is an unintuitive behavior for me given the way that `eigs` used to work.
julia> A = randn(100,21); A = A*A';
julia> schur_to_eigen(partial_schur(A, nev=8, which=LM())[1])[1]
To fix the following error
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: select not defined
[1] getproperty(::Module, ::Symbol) at ./sysimg.jl:13
[2] top-level scope…
In this line I think the type constraint to too tight. We only need some `size` and `eltype`