### Question
Hello, if I take Shenyu as a company level traffic gateway to forward requests to spring cloud gateway gateways of multiple downstream systems, can Shenyu support it?
like this:
**Feature description**
#### 1. Install `Free Mybatis plugin` for IDEA
#### 2. Add MyBatis dependency with SpringBoot integration
Scala code format alarm clear[linkis-spring-cloud-gateway]
scala code format alarm clearing task
Adjust the code format and clear the warn alarm in the idea
The scala code formatting rules c…
首先,seata server端使用1.5.2版本,集成nacos作为注册、配置中心,docker方式启动成功
然后,client端集成Springboot2.2.5+SpringCloud Alibaba2.2.0+Nacos,直接集成seata-spring-boot-starter:1.5.2、spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-seata:2.2.0,启动并测试…
### Question
I have two microservices, one is http service, and the other is spring cloud service. How can my shen admin register two protocol types?
1:http server && shenyu-admin config
- [ ] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/seata/seata/issues) of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.
### Ⅰ. Issue Description
# 1:问题描述
加载配置时 指定prefix 获取不到配置信息
# 2: 问题重现
## 2.1: 第一步 nacos中添加配置
**Expected behavior**
**Actual behavior**
**Steps to reproduce or test case**
**Redis version**
**Redisson version**
**Redisson configuration**
**Describe the bug**
**How to Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. 应用服务启动成功后,登录nacos控制台修改配置
2. 应用服务重复输出日志
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
This is for image `springcloud/spring-cloud-kubernetes-configuration-watcher:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT`
In order to be able to deploy the config watcher, I needed to remove the apiGroups `apps` and `extension…