Add state management using `Redux`
Refs: https://redux-toolkit.js.org/
# 프런트엔드 상태 관리의 지도 - (1) 상태란 무엇인가
상태관리 서브웨이 안내서. 상태는 리액트의 useState도 리덕스도 아닙니다. 상태는 변하는 모든 것들입니다.
- **Temporal**: Emphasizes the time-based aspect of the system.
- **Graph**: Highlights the graph-based structure for relationships.
- **State Management**: Indicates the core functionality of track…
### Describe the feature
It would be great if you would add support for creating/updating/removing [ISM (Index State Management)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/opensearch-service/latest/developerguide/…
Hi, I am currently using the entity API to mass update entity labels and subscriptions. I believe it would be highly beneficial to have entities state-managed integrated through sensu flow as well. I'…
So I'm pretty sure that this is an issue with react-blessed I've got my app all wired up I can see the global state from within the component but when the state is updated it is not causing a rerender…
`Apollo Client` added built-in [local state management](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/essentials/local-state/) starting from version 2.5, where you can use `@client` directive in a graphql …
MainRouter and ParticipateView contain a bunch of procedural logic that could probably be simplified by employing finite state machines (FSMs). An obvious choice for the construction of FSMs would be …
Issue to track research into service migration and cases that will arise when services are moved.
Initial research into Mobile IP and link/network layer hand-off protocols don't solve the fundamental…