Dear Marlin Team,
I would like to request support for the TMC2130 drivers, which is implemented by @teemuatlut on his Marlin branch.
To do so, we need to have a SPI Library for the LPC MCU.
Thanks for removing the src/Marlin.(h|cpp), but more QA was necessary: the updated, probably necessary changes to work correctly, configuration files for all the printers are only in the new Configura…
### Description
When using newest Marlin 2 release for my MKS Sbase
PlatformIO sends error 1, but when using release from 04. 10. 2018 it compiles OK in about 120-150 seconds compared to newest vers…
Add board for FYSETC F6 V1.3 Board
This link >> https://fysetc.github.io/F6_V1.3/
Above link have the info of the board, pins layout and ect.
I trying out this board but cant make it working …
Compile error with SKR 1.3 on with Visual Studio Code
Compiling .pioenvs\LPC1768\src\src\HAL\HAL_LPC1768\DebugMonitor_LPC1768.cpp.o
Compiling .pioenvs\LPC1768\src\src\HAL\HAL_LPC1768\HAL.cpp.o
Try different time with platformio....nothing to do.I receive this:
Processing STM32F103RC_btt_512K (platform: ststm32; board: genericSTM32F103RC; framework: arduino)
Can someone help with compiling brunch 2.0 firmware for steval-3dp001v1?
So i noticed in the readme file for Marlin 2.0 that one of the current HAL's was for Re-arm .. Then afer googling the matter for a day or two , i saw some people say that there has been a successfull …
Afternoon all, I'm trying to build and use the skr 1.4 turbo, replacing my fried 1.3 with it.
I configured everything, including the UART settings for the 2208's, and I'm getting a rather weird err…
This method is called by the following library: ArduinoHttpClient @ src\HttpClient.cpp:576:17
The method is public in the main arduino library and other compatables, should Stream not be symmetrica…