## 🐛 Bug
The VAE model contained here takes an optional `kl_coeff` parameter that's supposed to be a scaling factor for the KL term of the variational loss. This might be useful to avoid the ["poster…
GANs and Variational Autoencoders are pretty popular, but probably not the only technologies to exist. We may see different benefits from other models. Compile research on potential avenues.
hello, thanks for sharing this code. I am confused about a question. I find MNIST data are continuous(pixel value not just 0 and 1), so why can we use Bernoulli distribution in decoder?
egrcc updated
3 years ago
I guess your work is an implementation of this paper:
[Constrained Generation of Semantically Valid Graphs via Regularizing Variational Autoencoders](https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7942-constrained-gen…
## ❓ Questions & Help
Hello, I am trying to use the variational auto encoder [here](https://github.com/rusty1s/pytorch_geometric/blob/702e0ca2aac1b4dd3c811e5b1710f92ed05e7de0/torch_geometric/nn/mod…
In the README:
minimap2 -T almeida.fna -t 28 -N 50 -ax sr almeida.mmi sample1.forward.fastq.gz sample1.reverse.fastq.gz | samtools view -F 3584 -b --threads 8 > sample1.bam
...but in t…
Making a note to explore a high level wrapper for variational autoencoders to generate images / other content.
I’ve been reading through the deep review paper and noticed that there is not a Methylation section in this paper. There are a number of issues that have been brought up regarding the inclusion of met…
Hi, have just read your paper, and I have some ideas want to share with.
In Eq. 5 from the paper, the ML estimation of variance equals to `MSE` loss. If we insert this into the objective function E…
Hi, thank you for your code. I'm interested in the MMD loss. Can you give me some advice about the weight of MMD_loss if I want to add it to my own sem_seg network?