Usikker på kva som skal inn som verdi, men dct:type er anbefalt i følge https://data.norge.no/specification/dcat-ap-no/#Akt%C3%B8r-utgivertype
Kontrollert vokabular som skal hentes fra adms/publish…
Both `verdi setup` and `verdi quicksetup` are currently limited to creating new profiles.
There is no interface for modifying the settings of an existing profile (other than editing the `config.jso…
Dear Arc Earth,
We are a group of Academic researchers. We are analyzing vulnerable C++ code snippets migrated from StackOverflow to GitHub. Our research will be published in Academic publications an…
Som beacon fungerer disse out of the box slik som sticknfind taggene.
Fordel her er at man kan sette advertising interval ned til 100ms og på den måten få veldig nøyaktige målinger. Ulempen er at ba…
We currently suggest using the `verdi shell` for section 3.4 "Creating and launching calculations", and to copy things into a script.
Copying multi-line strings from the ipython shell is very tedio…
Tror vi kan med sikkerhet si at vi har mangler i både X og Y verdiene våre. Tror mye ka…
Dear orjantufte,
We are a group of Academic researchers. We are analyzing vulnerable C++ code snippets migrated from StackOverflow to GitHub. Our research will be published in Academic publications a…
Dear Zohaib Mir,
We are a group of Academic researchers. We are analyzing vulnerable C++ code snippets migrated from StackOverflow to GitHub. Our research will be published in Academic publications a…
Dear Duncan Fedde,
We are a group of Academic researchers. We are analyzing vulnerable C++ code snippets migrated from StackOverflow to GitHub. Our research will be published in Academic publications…
Dear Gregory Van Looy,
We are a group of Academic researchers. We are analyzing vulnerable C++ code snippets migrated from StackOverflow to GitHub. Our research will be published in Academic publicat…