@wendux 你好!DWebView中的call方法返回的是String,需要需要返回Map,在DWebView中重写了一个callObject方法,大体原先的call()方法差不多,把返回的object转换成了map返回,在injectJs()中,仿照原先的注入方法,加上了一段新的js脚本,但是这样调用不到?可以指导一下思路吗?
We are in 2017 and nowadays everyone uses high versions of android.
This module works for android up to 4.2 , while everyone uses 4.4.4 or above.
It would be great if someone updates this exploit t…
### Steps to reproduce
1. `drozer exploit build exploit.remote.browser.addjavascriptinterface --payload weasel.shell.armeabi --server IP.IP.IP.IP:80`
### Actual behaviour
Uploading weasel to…
Is there any particular reason why `browser_autopwn2` doesn't load the latest IE exploit `exploits/windows/browser/ms16_051_vbscript.rb` ?
## Steps to reproduce
msf > use auxiliary/se…
Hi Everyone,
I getting issue: load uri videos from the website and play it. In the first time, exoPlayer works well in the MainActivity class. If move the code into WebViewJavaScriptInterface to st…
I'm curious how you've made this work. Calling `addJavascriptInterface` from nativescript does nothing.
Your Rocket.Chat.Android version: develop branch (commit c68d0a6651ef8d224c4c7ce188caed81dcaa1835)
Getting this error when trying to login using Google Auth to our own rocketchat server version 0.5…
as per https://twitter.com/antitree/status/801173536060637186
ara4n updated
8 years ago