### Game Name
SWORD ART ONLINE Re: Hollow Fragment
### Game code
### Game version
### Used emulator's version (only released versions are acceptable)
### Current status
Find someone who can do art.
- 毛发与瞳孔以外的部分死灰色
- 毛发为代表色,瞳孔高亮
- 场景为副色
- [x] falha na análise de nome próprio como objeto indireto?
- [ ] corrigir código
O Yauti (Alencar, 2023) analisa o nó 5 erroneamente como `obl`?
# sent_id = Magalhaes1876:1-14:0:6…
### Please, describe what you get
Crashes on
`libSceFiber| Critical Error:todo sceFiberSwitch`
Though it also throws an error, followed by an exception soon after. These don't appear to have been…
Cat enters the construction site, lured into the path of a steamroller by a ball of yarn, plays with it
Gets flattened
Nothing but flat cat left
Related to:
- #22
## Reference images:
- [ ] Orcish Zealot
- [ ] Orcish Fanatic
- [ ] Orcish Berserker
Currently, they look like Orcish Grunt and Orcish Warrior so there will be visual confusion, like when Great Troll and Troll Warrio…
### Related Issue
### Description
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Thank you for your excellent work and the impressive results presented in your paper.
I have attempted to train and fine-tune the model using the provided scripts (process/train_animediffusion.py a…