In order to meet the Leed requirements we got to implement surface based components (as we already got it in the material editor) and foundations (tbi):
- 日時 2015-09-10 19:00-21:00
- 場所 札幌や,思い思いの場所
ME guys,
with certain designs in the new bot construction, there are setups where 3 beams create an X crossing (one long diagonal, 2 short for the other diagonals). In this case, it would be usefull …
FDS is primarily to simulate natural fires. Can a feature be added so that
we can conduct furnace simulations?
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `khalid.moinuddin@vu.edu.au` on 2…
FDS is primarily to simulate natural fires. Can a feature be added so that
we can conduct furnace simulations?
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `khalid.m...@vu.edu.au` on 29 May…
Version: Alpha 25
Start on Lave. Sold Cobra III bought Cobra I, equipped Atmospheric Shielding, Scanner, Radar Mapper, Autopilot and 1mw Dual Lasers on Front. Headed over to Zaonce, Station Rebbeca…