Hi guys,
Interesting project and a brilliant idea!
I'm not very experienced with blockchain and current cryptocurrency trends, but Musicoin got me excited. I've just learned about Musicoin and s…
Hello and thanks for this awesome tool! Keep up the good work!
Could you please add fastpool.xyz to the supported pools list?
Thank you for your consideration!
i have this problem with all gpu algoritms x11 keccak nist5 etc
my miner send shares bud my coinium sais
shares rejected 0.00/01 low dificulty ..
i have try change start diff bud nothing any …
Btw... I remember there was a Monero Ocean API I could tie in...
Please update to latest release
My version of Youtube subscription checker v 2.5.3 isnt working when i put in a youtube channel name it just wont search to find the channel to add.
I have 44 youtube channels at the moment. but g…
Not confident about the correctness
Miners have incentives to forward transactions because blocks will propagate faster to miners who have already seen, downloaded, verified the transactions.
did i just hit the gold mine?
lolminer 1.00% Cuckaroo29b 2.21 H/s - 119W 0.00231485 **99.897** 54.3 s 33% HashVa…
I am not sure this is an issue, but I don't know how to contact you other way.
Me and other p2pool-n ops need subj very much. As you now, with merged-mining MON and PLX you mine on vertcoin p2…
every 15-25min my nanominer just restart without any error message or anything