ライブラリリファレンスにある「### 処理系」の見出しは、実際に「動作確認できた処理系」を意味するのですが、そうであることがわかりにくいので、そうであるとわかるようにしたいです。
それと、「対応していると期待できる処理系」みたいなのを追加して、(試せる環境がないなどで) 動作確認はできていないけど、リリースノートを見ると対応してるように見える、というのを書ける場所を用意したい気がしています。…
During compilation of DataFormats/HcalDigi package, the following errors is emitted:
/home/runner/work/cage/cage/externals/plf/plf_list/plf_list.h:2790:4: error: no member named 'sort' in namespace 'std'; did you mean simply 'sort'?
I'm trying to compile ginkgo with C++20, and I get the following error due to [this line](https://github.com/ginkgo-project/ginkgo/blob/3d396152217bbb94de69926ae075e5e2a98b120c/omp/reorder/rcm_kernels…
* https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/cgi-bin/buildlogs/el8_amd64_gcc12/CMSSW_13_2_CPP20_X_2023-06-26-1100/HeterogeneousTest/ROCmDevice
* https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/cgi-bin/buildlogs/el8_amd64_gcc12/…
We're using asio awaitables, awaitable_operators and strands, and started to see a crash in `cancellation_signal.emit()` on this line:
In CPP20 IBs, the following warnings [are emitted](https://cmssdt.cern.ch/SDT/cgi-bin/buildlogs/el8_amd64_gcc12/CMSSW_13_3_CPP20_X_2023-07-24-1100/CommonTools/RecoAlgos):
Asio channels are multiple-producers and multiple-consumer channels and can be used to simplify the connection internals by replacing the `std::queue` and per-request allocation of a timer. See https:…
For some reason hyprlock say that my config is wrong and segmentation faults:
Terminal output:
[ERR] Config has errors:
Proceeding ignoring faulty entries
zsh: segmentatio…
### Description
The test `imtime_ops` fails with the error
% OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ctest -V -R imtime_ops
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list …