Vim's complete item accepts user_data, which is snake case, but in ddc, user data is defined as camel case like [this](https://github.com/Shougo/ddc.vim/blob/80c5f2e792ccea1c8582759c026c9b5e957c6eb4/d…
How about adding a topic for "ddc-vim" and "ddc-source" ?
* denops.vim
* ddc.vim
* ddc-zsh
The minimal vimrc.
if &compatible
set nocompatible
set runtimepath^=~/work/ddc.vim
set runtimepath^=~/work/ddc-zsh
"set …
Is it possible to use Omni sources with ddc ? I was previously using Deoplete with Vimtex autocompletion, but wanted to move to ddc now, since it is being maintained.
Thank you !
I've found the timeout functionality in this plugin can cause some strange and inconsistent behavior.
Here's an example with this plugin, using the latest code on master that shows the bug:
I'm using deoplete with rzaluska/deoplete-rtags for C++. As you can see in the screencast below, deoplete is correctly recognizing the signature of the function being typed, but echodoc only gives the…
Hello, this plugin looks great. Do you have some configuration to make it work with [Packer](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim)?
# Problems summary
`onInit()` does not have `sourceParams` in arguments.
## Expected
`onInit()` can have `sourceParams` in arguments.
## Detail
I am writing [ddc-ctags][] and want to …
I don't use a snippet engine, every time the `confirm` mapping is called, `nvim-cmp` fails with error:
E5108: Error executing lua ...site/pack/paqs/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/config/defa…