Hi @coderholic @s-n-g ,
thanks for this great app. It would be nice if there were two keyboard shortcuts for
playing next/previous station in a playlist.
It would be great if mvp or another pla…
This must sound strange, but when I run `netcoredbg` on my Mac it reliably puts the display to sleep.
`❯ /usr/local/bin/netcoredbg/netcoredbg --log --interpreter=cli -- dotnet ./bin/Debug/net7.0/H…
More of a question. xcape is awesome, btw - thanks!
So `man xcape` says.
As an example, we can make the space bar work as an additional ctrl key when held with the following sequence of comma…
Please consider making fdm friendly model, so more people can enjoy this beautifully designed keyboard. Thanks.
### Incorrect handling of bool `_user()` functions
This is the advice given when writing a custom `_kb()` function, straight from the docs:
I haven't used your shell, but AFAIK for some reason you still don't have this feature.
AFAIK you already have zsh-style tab completion that can show all available options right? So if I would type…
この Issue はスクリプトによって自動で作成されました。今週も学びを記録していきましょう!
i'd like to try this.
tap release within threshold -> output double leTTers idea
Before using kmonad (and qmk, so quite long ago) I always used a very fast
repeat rate and re…
Tried your program, but this is the output that I get:
Found device in normal mode on bus 7, device 8.
Switching to program mode.
After that, the keyboa…
First off, very cool project. Thanks for putting it out there.
Was any consideration given to the potential of using digraphs or trigraphs to make typing more efficient? Digraphs like 'th', 'he', …